Saturday, 18 September 2010

Gtalk to SIP

Calling iNum from Google Talk

I think it is very cool that I can make Google Talk (GTalk) VoIP calls directly to iNum global numbers. This means that I can call directly to any iNums, or any other VoIP network that accept iNum calls, directly from GTalk. If you don't know what is iNum check this link:

GTalk requires that you first send an "invite" to the iNum "contact" your want to add to your GTalk friends list. Do this using the "Add" button at the bottom of your GTalk client. Normally, GTalk can only directly talk to other GTalk users using their Gmail address ( as the contact.

When you send an invite to your iNum contact, the address is essentially in SIP URI VoIP format as follows: (much the same as an email address).

Once you send the invite, the new iNum contact will appear in your GTalk friends list appended with "(invited)". For example, if I invite the iNum Echo Test number as my new invited friend, it will appear as: (invited), until the invitation is accepted.

You cannot talk to any GTalk contact until their invitation is "accepted" by the other party.
In this case, iNum network "presence server" takes care of accepting iNum invites from GTalk users.

From my experience, it may take anywhere from a few seconds to 24 hours or so for an iNum invite to be accepted by the presence server.

That's all there is to creating GTalk iNum contacts.
Once the iNum contact is accepted by iNum network presence server, your iNum contact will show a "green dot" next to it, indicating that your new iNum contact is "Online" and ready to receive your call.

I've tested this procedure by calling from my GTalk client to my iNums, my CallCentric iNum and the iNum Echo Test server. If they all worked for me, I expect it will work for you too.. :)

Please note calls to iNums from GTalk currently show up as "Anonymous".So make sure your inum provider account doesn't have anonymous call rejection enabled.

All my GTalk friends are calling my iNum on Polycom phone at home free!


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